Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Back home

Well we're back home... at the minute, I'm 
downstairs writing this from the comfort of my sofa and the kids are up in bed.It's weird and good being home, everything went like clock-work. Anant, our driver pictured here, came to pick us up at 8pm and then drove us up to Bangkok and to the airport. He has been more than just our driver, and if and when we go back to Thailand we will use him again.

We were dreading the flight, but we needn't have... both the kids went to sleep just after the jet took off, and Joel nearly slept the whole
 journey. Tamah slept a good 8 hours, and then flirted with everyone she met... only to turn her head away from them when they went to put their hands out to her.

She even went to sleep on the flight to Belfast, (which was a rubbish flight and a dodgy landing). The only time she played us up was in the car on the way to Bangkok and by that time she was wrecked.

As I said the kids were great on the flights and when we got back to Belfast, my dad, & Lesa's mum and dad were there to greet us. Typically, the only place in the world that we were asked about Tamah was Belfast, and when we went to speak to ,y dad and Heather, a PSNI officer asked to speak to me about child trafficking - he asked for all our papers and wanted to speak to me after I got all of our suitcases, (well he was just doing his job really).

We then went to Lesa's parents and met up with all of her immediate famiily - Tamah was a little bit freaked with the noise of all the kids, but she setled well, even kissing Megan and letting Paul kiss her. She slept really well last night again, and all through the day she was such a pet, (I suppose you could say it was down to the expert parenting skills, not!)

We travelled back home this morning, and all was well until Dungannon... Tamah had spent too long in the car seat and she was going to complain. Poor Joel had to contend with the same song over and over again, (Superhero) for 45 minutes.

Coming back into the house was very emotional for me, Lesa was feeling sick anyway and nearly through up. As soon as Tamah came into the living room she saw a picture of herself and started to smile, (I think she knew at that moment how we have been waiting for her). She has played with all of us today, and with all her toys (including her new pram) and she has been brilliant.

It's hard to believe that she has only been with us for just over 2 weeks... it feels so right that she is part of our family, and she has settled so well with all of us. All of the Martin clan are enjoying being with each other, playing together and being family. We pray that in the coming weeks we will continue to gorw together...

Thank you again for all your support... for the emails, comments, phone calls, letters, cards, etc. You don't know what it means to us to know that our family and friends have been with us for the last 3 1/2 years. We thought today was never going to happen, but it has and now we have this little angel sleeping upstairs...

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